Day 15: Plant a Tree!

Anahita Bharadwaj
2 min readJan 14, 2021

Originally published: 15th April, 2020 on Facebook and Instagram

#Day15 #EarthDay2020


A friend of mine was going on a walk last week. She mentioned to me that as she was admiring spring and the cherry blossoms, a neighbor began to converse with her. He told her about his father and how he had had planted that tree. He himself had planted a sapling next to it… He was excited that his children and grandchildren hopefully would reminisce, just the way that he was about his father. What a nice sentiment!

I remember, one of my lovely cousins once collected donations to save one of the oldest trees in Hyderabad. A being that might have witnessed so much, been through so much and survived. That was pretty awesome of her.

I don’t want to go on about the importance of trees because we all know it. We have witnessed it ourselves. They are majestic and beautiful, provide shade, a home, fruit, flowers and wood to those in need. It would be a real shame to lose them.

There are so many organizations out there who will do it for you too… in remembrance of a family member/friend, or just for the sake of the environment. Whatever your reasons may be…

So, maybe today, or tomorrow or one day, just think about it, plant a tree, maybe a few, and leave a sustainable legacy behind!



Anahita Bharadwaj

Science Nerd. Indian Dancer. Art Enthusiast. Music Lover. History Buff. Wannabe Traveler. Lovable Goof.